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StudentsImpact: View Response #15

1.What did you learn about new teaching and learning practices (such as blended learning (face to face and E-learning), more than one instructor, European Instructors, remote lab (if working),…)?

The e-learning experience was .. "flexible" ! For me not having to commit to any times or attendances was much more comfortable ,and since I spend a good amount of time "online" it made it easier to access the material and study it , if not on a daily bases but on a more scheduled time. Also the weekly online quizzes seemed to ensure the independent process of learning, at least for me.
Having multiple instructors for this course made it feel a little crowded if to say, but there was much more added value and experience. I'd imagine if the course was during a normal semester it could've been much better.Also I found it harder to "explore" the material provided in depth and invest any time with the instructors since it was a "once in a course time" meeting for some.

2.What new links have you built with other students and universities in Europe (during visits to Europe or having European Instructors)?

A lot of contact information was exchanged but for me the highlight was not only meeting all the professors/researchers in class , but the opportunity know what they're working on and follow up their researches on research gate was pretty exciting, kind of broadens your view of what's going on outside their !

3.Do you think that MUREE (course and/or visits to EU) has provided you with extra career potential? If yes, how?

Certainly, The one week Internship at Rome (Sapienza University) was a true practical experience which I believe prepared me for the market.

4.What new skills and competencies did you obtain through the use of the labs? (if applicable).

Unfortunately the remote labs did not work.

5.Please feel free to tell us about your experiences, and please give specific examples if possible.

One of the experiences was practicing the design of a grid connected photovoltaic system for a residential building using PVSOL premium. Another was learning about biomass and the zecomix project, and actually seeing a "prototype" ,also listening to the cons and pros ,the ups and downs faced by the project leaders was insightful. Learning how the Energy crisis is being delt with in Rome and Europe, comparing some data between Jordan and Italy, sharing the policies ..etc was also inspiring and "useful". In summary I can say that after this course my perspective on investing energy has not only "changed" but "matured", especially after visiting a European country and learning about Renewable Energy Technologies in a practical way.

Created at 9/17/2015 1:59 AM by  
Last modified at 9/17/2015 1:59 AM by